When working as your own boss, the effects of falling ill can spiral out of control, and quickly. Most illnesses experienced are mere colds which pass after a couple of recuperation days or a ‘power on through’ mentality, but the effects of a more debilitating illness, whether it be yourself or a member of your family, can have severe effects on your business.
Falling ill or a member of your family falling ill can take its toll mentally and physically. Add on the stress of your business potentially falling apart, with loss of earnings and clients, lack of ability to complete work or find new business and damage to reputation, plus a never ending list of things you need to do, such as keeping on top of your marketing, finances and other administration, and you are looking at some potentially crippling consequences.
It is important to think about your health, especially when you start your own business. Take preventative measures by eating well and doing regular exercise, such as drinking plenty of water, doing basic exercises whilst at work such as getting up from the desk and walking around every now and then, eating your 5-a-day and avoiding drinking too much caffeine. Basic healthy living can go a long way to ensuring your business is able to continue running.
Regardless of your lifestyle, it is still possible for you or a family member to fall seriously ill and need ongoing treatment. This can be expensive and the NHS can often involve long waiting lists before a diagnosis is made and then further waiting for treatment. The drugs could be very expensive and not available on NHS, in which case you would have to pay out for them which could be potentially very costly.
It is worth considering taking out a private medical insurance for you and your family should the worst happen. This would offer the reassurance of faster treatment and greater care with a wider choice of facilities across the country.
You can find out more about private medical insurance from WPA or call Hitesh on 01339 880064 for special rates as an QAccounting client.
Whatever you do, ensure you have a detailed plan in place for your business should you or a family member fall seriously ill. This could go a long way in helping you through a stressful time. If you want to learn more, or need more information, please contact a member of our team today.
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