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Recent Blogs

Guest post by Troy Stevens from Qdos – Always use protection!

The Importance of Contractor Insurance Any professional working as a contractor must be aware of the potential misfortunes that their limited company can endure without the existence of proper contractor...

Mike Butchart

Guest Post: Are Mortgage Lenders easing their criteria towards Contractors?

Are Mortgage Lenders easing their criteria towards Contractors? Since the dawn of the credit crunch, few have suffered as much under tighter lending rules as the contractor community. The outlook...

Mike Butchart

Piper Alpha – 25 years on…

Saturday, July 6th marks the 25th anniversary of the Piper Alpha disaster – still the worst offshore tragedy in UK history. Four massive explosions destroyed the Piper Alpha platform around...

Mike Butchart

Review of UK North Sea Oil and Gas industry is launched by the UK Government

[lead] The first and biggest review of the country’s offshore oil and gas industry in over 20 years has been launched this month by the UK government, in a bid...

Mike Butchart

High street mortgage lender extends contractor lending policy

Great news for Energy Contractors this week when a major high street mortgage lender extended their IT contractor lending policy to the Energy professionals. This exciting development for Energy contractors...

Mike Butchart

Guest Post – Recruitment Agencies

[lead]I would like to write about something I overheard this week. A couple of contractors were talking about recruitment agencies. I was taken aback by the disregard and disrespect that...

Mike Butchart

Guest Post – The Current State of IR35

Following the release and issue of the recent 2013 budget, many professional individuals will be scratching their heads as to what has and hasn’t changed. Many will indeed be wondering...

Mike Butchart

Contractors Beware – Pre-budget intelligence

Contractors beware… HMRC is planning to bring forward further guidance when and how IR35 rules will apply to office holders and directors providing their services through limited companies. There is...

Mike Butchart

Contractor Forum

[lead]At FW Accounting, our mission is to constantly improve our service offering to our clients. We are always asking; “how could it be better?” So how do we do this?...

Mike Butchart

Prospering Career Opportunities for Contractors in the UK 2013?

[lead] …it would seem so…[/lead] A recent report from REC (the Recruitment and Employment Confederation) is a positive boost for contractors working in IT, engineering and other technical fields. The...

Mike Butchart

Shale Gas – An unconventional energy future?

[lead]Shale gas fields can be exploited via a process known as hydraulic fracturing, more commonly known as ‘fracking’. These fields have become commonplace in various countries around the world and...

Mike Butchart

LinkedIn for Contractors – unlock the massive potential for YOU!

I was lucky enough last week to attend a fantastic lecture on how to get the most out of LinkedIn from a Business Development point of view, by Mister LinkedIn...

Mike Butchart

QAccounting joins campaign to help contractors and freelancers in Umbrella Companies save money

Specialist contractor and freelancer accountancy firm FW Accounting has joined a campaign to help individuals working under the auspices of a UK Umbrella Company determine whether they could save up...

Mike Butchart

Working Hours of a Freelancer/Contractor – Time Management (Guest Blog from Andrew Smith)

Time. So precious but there’s never enough of it. Well, apart from when we’re doing something that really, really drags like standing in a queue or waiting for the kettle...

Mike Butchart

Business Interruption! How does the weather affect your work?

Where I live in Aberdeen, THIS is the kind of weather that we have been dealing with this week. In fact I was lucky enough to be getting a tour...

Mike Butchart

Tendering for Freelance Work? Let the clients find you!

After covering how to source leads proactively yourself, today we are looking at online resources, so you can make yourself visible to the clients that need you! Side Note: This...

Mike Butchart

Miles’ Lead Generation Tips for Freelancers – Part 1 of 3

Welcome Miles Duncan! Our very own Sales Director has kindly offered to do a series of 3 blog posts offering advice on how to generate leads and opportunities for Contractors...

Mike Butchart

Pros and Cons of ‘going freelance’

  Don’t worry! We know it can be a scary prospect, you are making a jump into the great unknown…it’s a place where you won’t be reporting to your boss,...

Mike Butchart

Success of an Intern – Our New IR35 Test

[lead] No pay… No fun… No hope for progression within the business afterwards…? [/lead] This is the impression from many current articles, in regards to the working environments for Interns....

Mike Butchart

IR35; Would Batman pass or fail the Business Entity Test?

Reporters from FW Accounting managed to catch up with the Dark Knight recently and rather than ask the same old questions about his summer blockbuster, we thought the Caped Crusader...

Mike Butchart

Getting to grips with social media

It seems that everyone is talking about Social Media these days. The fastest growing group on Facebook is 55-65 year old women, so if your mother isn’t using it yet,...

Mike Butchart

Generating Business

Often our freelance clients find that, after taking the scary leap into being self-employed, the next challenge is building a good client list, preferably one with great clients who pay...

Mike Butchart

Your health, your business’s health

If you work for yourself you will be familiar with the phrase “I’m too busy to be ill!” You’ll know the feeling of dread when you start to cough and...

Mike Butchart

Your timesheet is cash

If you are a contractor or a freelancer, or if you are thinking about going it alone, read on. Your life could be about to get easier. The biggest obstacle...

Mike Butchart

Networking for New Starts

Some thoughts on the wonderful world of networking from Eugene Clarke of TalkBuddy™ You’ve done it! You’ve started your first business and you’re ready to get out there and tell...

Mike Butchart

Peace of mind for contractors

Being a contractor carries a number of obligations and legal responsibilities and it’s important to know what they are and what your clients expect from you. As with solicitors and...

Mike Butchart

Discount delight or discount disaster?

Getting customers through the door faster! As an avid bargain hunter, and I mean to the extremes – my colleagues at FW Accounting have nick-named me ‘Discount’-  I love receiving...

Mike Butchart

Financial Projections for Business Plans

In a previous blog, we talked about the essential ingredients of good Business Plan. In this post, we’re going to look at the financial projections that should go along with...

Mike Butchart

Crowd Funding – The New Venture Capitalists

We all know times are tough, and the current economic situation is making the growth of new businesses and the innovation necessary to sustain that reputation much harder. Access to...

Mike Butchart

Is Your Business Head in the Cloud?

When marketers talk about web-based software and “the cloud” or “software-as-a-service” (SaaS), they always seem to bang on about two main things. Cost: It’s far cheaper than desktop software and...

Mike Butchart

Rangers, HMRC and You

Rangers case should be a warning to contractors and small businesses You’d have to be a hermit to have avoided the news about Rangers Football Club going into administration this...

Mike Butchart

Relationships and Accounting

Last time, I wrote about the importance of keeping physical records, now, we’re going to talk about relationships – specifically the relationship between you and your business supporter. Why is...

Mike Butchart

There’s No Such Thing As A Free Lunch!

A number of our clients, and many self employed people, generally (whether operating through a Limited Company, or as a Sole Trader) have the common issue of completing work for...

Mike Butchart

Painless Tax Returns: A Guest Blog by Abi Silvester of DollyMix.tv

Self employment is a great way for many people to take control of their careers and the rewards can be huge, but there is one sting in the tail of...

Mike Butchart

The New Year Blog

A very Happy New Year from all of us here at Freelance World! To kick-start 2012, this week’s blog is our Top Ten Tips for the new business year. These...

Mike Butchart

Physical Record Keeping for Your Business

You might be wondering why we’re covering a topic as simple as keeping records. Firstly, let’s establish why you need to keep records, then explain the impact record-keeping has on...

Mike Butchart

Contracting vs. Being Staff

Attracting top talent in the current climate is just as hard as it has been for the last 30 years.  Without a doubt the most compelling method of attraction is...

Mike Butchart

What Can You do With £4 ? A Guest Blog by David Tawse of Nimbus Blue

What can you get these days for £4? A few pints of milk or a drink at the pub? Perhaps a thimble full of petrol (if you’re lucky)? Well, not...

Mike Butchart

Business Plan Basics Part 1

Should you write a Business Plan in these changing times? Some would say no, however having a plan for what you’re going to do has always been a good idea....

Mike Butchart

Taking a fresh look at your Marketing: A Guest Blog by Julie Mitchell Mehta

At this time of year it’s a good idea to stop and review what you have been doing with your business over the previous ten or eleven months and decide...

Mike Butchart

Vat’s it all about?

By law, a business has to register for Vat when their sales reach £73,000 or it’s likely that they will in a calendar year. But what is Vat? Basically it’s...

Mike Butchart

Being Mobile is the New Black: A Guest Blog by Nic Wise

Being Mobile: It’s the new black ———————————- A while back, when I started in the workforce, cellphones were a fairly new thing. I got my first phone when I got...

Mike Butchart

Why Worry… ?

These days, we seem to spend a lot of time worrying about things that, really, aren’t that important. The pace of modern life and the things we take for granted...

Mike Butchart

Back to Basics

Running a business, whether that’s as a contractor or otherwise, it’s vital that you stay on top of the numbers. Knowing whether you’re making a profit and whether or not...

Mike Butchart

Joined UP Thinking – Guest Blog by Campbell Urquhart

It’s fair to say that some of the team at The Urquhart Partnership are very enthusiastic about social media, myself included.   So, as you will imagine, I am more than...

Mike Butchart

Avoiding HMRC Horrors

Avoiding HMRC Horrors (Video) Hiya, Michelle from Freelance World here! Don’t worry, the HMRC Compliance Checks are not as scary as you might think. Basically, our business snippet today is all...

Mike Butchart

TWITS! But are they?…..

What’s this twittering all about? Many of our clients, Networking Buddies and friends of Freelance World often ask us. Isn’t it just people broadcasting what they had for breakfast? Too right,...

Mike Butchart

Personal brand: the key to finding your next contract

Today’s guest blog is from Jennifer Holloway of Spark Branding. It’s a fact of life for any freelancer, contractor or self-employed business owner out there: whatever you do, ultimately you’re a...

Mike Butchart

Musings of a rambling service monkey

What do you do when you have experienced amazing service – Tell your friends? Shout it from the roof tops? Write a review online? Let the company know personally that...

Mike Butchart

Spotlight on… Juliebee

You already know that at Freelance World we believe we’re a little different, and one of those differences is that we genuinely enjoy spending time finding out about our clients’ goals,...

Mike Butchart

Thinking of Starting up a Business? New Service from @freelanceworld

Freelance World has today launched our new Business Enable service, designed to make starting up a business a piece of cake! Whether you want to setup a company, or simply...

Mike Butchart

SIE Startup Day

I was lucky enough to be asked to speak at the SIE Startup Day in Dundee on Saturday. Although I was due to speak mid-afternoon, I decided to go down...

Mike Butchart

Contractor accounting with a difference

If you’re a Contractor then your accounting options are pretty limited. You either go with one of the big “volume” providers where you’ll simply be a number and never speak...

Mike Butchart

The Future of Work

For most of the 20th Century we got used to the term “job for life”. It wasn’t uncommon for someone to spend their whole life with one company or organisation....

Mike Butchart

The Future’s Bright!

Students have had a bad press lately, and rightly so in the case of those involved in the despipcable scenes in London. However, closer to home we’ve had the opportunity...

Mike Butchart

Knowing When To Step Aside

This post is inspired by the fantastic Michelle Rodger of Tartan Cat Communications. Read her full Scotland on Sunday article here. Over the years I’ve seen this time & time again. People...

Mike Butchart

How To Tame The Dragons

We’ve all seen Dragon’s Den. Having been both a “pitcher” and an “investor” over the years I can tell you that raising investment for your business in real life is...

Mike Butchart

What Stops A Start-up?

Earlier this week I was talking to someone about starting up in business / working for themselves. This girl would be great, she is passionate about what she does; is...

Mike Butchart

Accounting has evolved!

To many people, the image they have of an accountant will not be that far removed from this chap on the right here. The humble accountant, the bean-counter who tells...

Mike Butchart

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